Training Log 6.1.15-6.7.15

Good morning!

I hope everyone had a restful and fun weekend! J was gone on a man’s trip, so I took the opportunity to read. A lot. I finished two books this weekend, ran, and went to the Flagstaff Hullabalooo with some friends! It was tons of fun. This past week was definitely an improvement over the week before. I could feel my body getting stronger on runs, which is awesome.

Monday– 3 miles @ Buffalo Park

I was going to do a four mile loop, but just didn’t have it in me, so I ran three instead. It was pretty warm out, and super, super windy, and I was having a hard time. So, I rode the struggle bus through the three miles and then went home and did some abs..

NEON! And thank goodness for filters so that my poor white skin doesn't blind your eyes.

NEON! And thank goodness for filters so that my poor white skin doesn’t blind your eyes.

Tuesday- Rest

My plan for Tuesday was a strength workout when I got home. Well, I got home around 7 because of car trouble, and I was starving and exhausted, so I took a rest day instead.

Wednesday – 4 miles for National Running Day!

I actually felt really, really good on this run. My legs felt strong and I managed to get it done in a pretty okay time. I took my Garmin for distance, since I wasn’t exactly sure where two miles would be on this particular trail, but I paid no attention to my pace.

NTL Running Day

Thursday – 10 min arm toning workout + 30 min ab and leg workout

Friday – 3 miles with Rudy

I got home from work on Friday and leashed up the pup and went for some miles. A storm was blowing in and I wanted to get the miles done before it hit. And we barely made it! Not too long after, the rain started and we had an epic thunderstorm Friday night.

Saturday – 7 miles

This was not easy. For one thing, I just am not ready to be going that long. I ended up walking a fair amount. Secondly, the wind was insane. The gusts were easily somewhere in the 35-40 mph range, and the constant winds were around 20. I also just was not in it mentally. I considered running on Sunday instead, but I forced myself out the door, and honestly, I wish I had let myself rest on Saturday and ran on Sunday. The weather was nicer and I was just in a better mood. Regardless, the miles got done and now I can feel a little better about this coming Saturday. At least I know I’ll finish the race.

Long Run

We’ve had an unusually wet Spring/early Summer and everything is SO GREEN and there’s water!

Sunday– 30 min Pilates

Total miles: 17

This week felt really good overall. I definitely feel myself getting stronger and the shorter runs are getting easier. On Saturday, my run felt really good until about mile 4.5 when I had to turn into the wind. Then it got really sucky. But, that’s all part of the game–and what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger. And all that jazz.

Memorial Day Recap

Hello hello! I hope everyone had an absolutely outstanding Memorial Day weekend! And if you had to work yesterday, I am deeply sorry. I have felt your pain for many a year! This weekend was a fun one. So, let’s recap!

Friday started with margaritas and chips and salsa with a friend! She has Fridays off and since I get out between 2 and 2:30 on Fridays, we met up for an early happy hour to kick start the weekend. When I got home, J and I met up with a friend to go see “Mad Max: Fury Road”

mad max

I’m not a real Mad Max fan (the old ones), but this was pretty good. Visually, it’s an awesome movie. So, if anything else, see it for the cool cars.

Saturday was uneventful. I did a bunch of cleaning and laundry and grocery shopping…all the fun adult things, while J got the Jeep ready for our wheeling adventure on Sunday.

Sunday morning we headed out bright and early to get to Payson by 9 am. We met up with some friends from Phoenix for a day of wheeling.


It was a beautiful day and such a fun trip! Towards the end of the trail, there’s an obstacle going up a waterfall. We were able to see one large buggy try the same line for about an hour before winching himself up and then another guy attempt and brake an axel. Quite the day. 

Yesterday, I went for a short, stormy run. 

My ankle is feeling awesome, but hoo boy! I am out of SHAPE! My endurance is shot. It’s an odd mixture of emotions these days. I am so happy to be running, and so frustrated for it to be so hard. I’m trying to quiet that little voice in my head-and let myself take the time to recover fully and gain my strength back. I have lots of thoughts on this, so get ready for that later this week! 

The rest of the day was spent hanging out with J, my dad and brother. I took no photos because I’m a bad blogger. One day I’ll get hat figured out. 

What fun things did you do this weekend? How did your running go? 

Camping on the Mogollon Rim

This past weekend, J and I set off to camp up near the Mogollon Rim. It was somewhat impromptu, as he had been planning a dude’s trip that weekend and when that fell through, I suggested we go camping. He picked the route, and I took care of the food.

We set off early Sunday morning and came back Monday afternoon. It was absolutely freezing at night and in the early morning, the wind was unbelievably crazy, but it was so much fun. Neither of us had ever been to the rim before, and it was so fun to explore it.


me on the rim

Knoll Lake

Camping selfie

FIre master

camping dog

I’m already looking forward to our next trip…hopefully somewhere a little warmer!